Eagle Scout Josh did a project to help out our school. Josh and his friends built planter boxes for our garden, restored soil to the existing planter boxes, and repainted the wooden boxes. Thank you for your hard work in helping to keep our campus beautiful!


  1. It makes me feel happy because they are taking care of Leihoku :)

  2. It makes me feel happy because they're helping other plants.

  3. It makes me happy because they take care of the plants.

  4. I feel happy because they take care of our school.

  5. It makes me feel happy because they're showing pride to our school.

  6. I feel joyful because they are taking care of our school.

  7. It makes me happy because they are taking care of our school.

  8. They make me feel happy because they are showing respect to our school and taking care of our plants.

  9. It makes me feel happy when they help our school because when people kicked down our stuff, what if we did that to them? They wouldn't like it. But when people take care of our school, it makes everyone feel happy.

  10. It made me happy because they took care of our school and it made me feel really happy because I didn't like when people threw everything on the ground but now I like when people take care of our school now.

  11. It makes me feel happy because people are taking care of our school and showing that they take care.


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